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Mobile Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS or VFSS)

The Study

The philosophy behind the mobile MBSS (Modified Barium Swallow Study) is that overall results of the test are more representative of a patient's swallowing function, because the issue of fatigue, disorientation and testing delays, related to transportation to a hospital are eliminated.


A mobile MBSS is a modification in the equipment of the traditional MBSS performed in a hospital setting. The MBSS is performed inside the mobile clinic that is parked outside the facility. This is not portable equipment that is transferred into a facility. The patient is brought outside to the mobile clinic in their wheelchair and with the assistance of an electric wheelchair lift, similar to those used in public transportation settings; they are allowed easy access to the clinic. The mobile clinic is equipped with numerous safety equipment features including suction apparatus, cellular phone, and a CPR certified staff. Our mobile clinic can accommodate patients in any type of wheelchair (GERIchair, BRODAchair, etc).


This procedure is short, non-invasive, and easy for patients to undergo. They sit comfortably in our climate controlled mobile clinic and consume a variety of foods and drinks mixed with some barium.


A mobile video fluoroscopy clinic used for the MBSS allows for assessment of swallowing disorders in a private, controlled, efficient environment that eliminates disorientation, fatigue, and/or agitation often involved with medical transportation and/or clinical appointments. Furthermore, the overall results of the evaluation are more representative of a patient’s swallow function, since they are in their own wheelchair as used during meals. Such functional evaluations are unable to be completed at a hospital location. Additionally, family members or facility staff can come aboard and observe the study.

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